Meeting documents

Portfolio Holder - Education & Learning
Friday 19 June 2015 12.00 pm

Meeting Summary
19 Jun 2015 - 12:00 to 12:15
Meeting taken in private.
 Documents  Attendance  Visitors  Declarations of Interests 


Meeting Documents

  1. pdf 01 School Term and Holiday Dates 2016-17 (135Kb)
  2. 02 EXEMPT Write-off of Irrecoverable Debt - Nursery School - Exempt
  3. 03 EXEMPT Write-off of Irrecoverable Debt - Overpaid Salary - Exempt
  4. pdf xx Decision Notice - School Term and Holiday Dates 2016-17 (165Kb)
  5. pdf xx Decision Notice - Write-off of Irrecoverable Debt - Nursery School (113Kb)
  6. pdf xx Decision Notice - Write-off of Irrecoverable Debt - Overpaid Salary (96Kb)