Decision Maker: County Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Addition of education capital projects and
funding to the capital programme.
That Cabinet
1. Approves the proposals relating to Lighthorne Heath Primary School as follows:
a. Relocate the school to a new school site and increase the capacity from 91 places to 420 places (two form entry)
b. Establish specialist resourced provision for up 14 learners with SEND;
c. Recommends to Council the addition of £16.467m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Lighthorne Heath Primary School which will be funded from developer contributions, the School Condition Allowance and the Department for Education (DfE) Basic Need Grant;
2. Approves the proposals relating to Shottery St Andrew’s CofE Primary School as follows:
a. Relocate the school to a new school site and increase the capacity from 105 places to 420 places (two form entry);
b. Establish specialist resourced provision for up 8 learners with SEND.
c. Recommends to Council the addition of £15.573m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Shottery St Andrews CofE Primary School which will be funded from developer contributions, the School Condition Allowance, an education capital receipt and the DfE Basic Need Grant;
3. Recommends to Council the addition of £5.347m to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Myton Gardens Primary School. This will be funded by developer contributions and the DfE Basic Need Grant.
4. Approves the addition to the capital programme of £1.500 million to deliver the scheme at Stratford upon Avon School and £0.310 million to deliver the scheme at The George Eliot Academy. Both schemes will be funded by developer contributions.
5. Approves £0.600 million for the delivery of the disability and access block header and £0.163 million to deliver the scheme at the Coleshill Learning Pod. Both schemes will be funded be funded from the High Needs Capital Grant.
6. Approves the addition to the capital programme of £0.400 million to deliver the safeguarding and security block header, to be funded from the School Condition Allocation.
7. Subject to Council’s agreement to the required additions to the Capital Programme, the Executive Director for Children and Young People is authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, to invite tenders and enter into the appropriate contracts or (where the scheme is school led) to make the necessary funding arrangements for these schemes on terms and conditions considered acceptable to the Executive Director for Resources.
Report author: Emma Basden-Smith
Publication date: 10/05/2024
Date of decision: 09/05/2024
Decided at meeting: 09/05/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 18/05/2024
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