Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Addition of projects at Aylesford School and
Weddington Primary School
Resolved that the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property (Deputy Leader)
1) approves the addition to the Capital Programme of the scheme to create additional space in Year 2 and Year 4 at Weddington Primary School at an estimated cost of £0.026 million (£26,000) to be funded from S106 receipts; and
2) approves the addition to the Capital Programme of the scheme to improve ICT infrastructure at Aylesford School at an estimated cost of £0.320 million (£320,000) to be funded from S106 receipts.
Report author: Claire Thornicroft
Publication date: 20/03/2024
Date of decision: 18/03/2024
Decided at meeting: 18/03/2024 - Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions
Accompanying Documents: