Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
A report outlining the forecast financial
position of the organisation at the end of 2024/25, based on the
information known at the end of the second quarter.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the forecast net residual service overspend of £9.487m (2.4%) that would need to be funded from reserves at the end of 2024/25;
2. Notes the forecast delivery of savings for 2024/25 of £9.529m (59%), and the consequent shortfall against the target;
3. Notes the forecast capital spend for 2023/24 of £176.138m;
4. Notes and approves the movement in the forecast spend on the capital programme of £12.776m from 2024/25 into future years; and
5. Approves the transfer of £4.885m from the Revolving Fund to the Revenue Investment Fund as detailed in Section 6 of the report.
Report author: Natalia Hodgetts
Publication date: 15/11/2024
Date of decision: 14/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 14/11/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 23/11/2024
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