6 Tackling Social Inequalities in Warwickshire PDF 506 KB
This paper presents a strategy to tackle social inequality in Warwickshire.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Jeff Morgan
Additional documents:
Councillor Jeff Morgan (Portfolio Holder for Children, Families & Education) opened this item, explaining the journey to the development of this strategy to tackle social inequalities in Warwickshire. The report identified a set of cross-cutting priorities to collectively tackle the key factors contributing to social inequalities in Warwickshire, resulting in improved outcomes for Warwickshire residents: developing the workforce and culture, improving access to goods, resources, services and communities, and supporting people to maximise and manage their income. A draft action plan was appended to the report.
Councillor Kaur noted the importance of working with partners to support the economy and the ties to social inequality and advised Cabinet that she would work closely with Councillor Morgan in this respect. Councillor Timms highlighted the connection with the Social Impact Fund. Councillor Morgan welcomed these comments.
That Cabinet:
1. Endorses the “Tackling Social Inequalities in Warwickshire Strategy” and accompanying draft action plan; and
2. Authorises the Strategic Director for People, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Education, to approve the project budget allocation, action plan and future revisions aligned to the strategy priorities for the allocated budget between April 2021 and March 2024.