11 Warwickshire Design Guide PDF 335 KB
A report seeking Cabinet authorisation to endorse the Warwickshire Design Guide which has been prepared to provide direction and guidance to Developers and designers when planning and delivering highway infrastructure improvements to WCC's highway network.
Portfolio Holder – Councillor Wallace Redford
Additional documents:
Councillor Wallace Redford (Portfolio Holder for) presented this report, noting that there was currently no documentation that set out Warwickshire County Council’s expectations?to support?developers and designers preparing?to deliver improvements to the highway network. He noted that the proposed new ‘Warwickshire Design Guide’ would provide comprehensive guidance in respect of all transportation infrastructure and the design of roads having regard to current trends in national and local transportation policies, the call for the flexible application of design standards and to take account of their environmental impact. He explained that the new guide superseded ‘The Warwickshire Guide 2001 – Transport and Roads for Developments’ and was a highly important document for the?wider?community as it set down the standards of safety, sustainability and accessibility of built development that would endure for generations. Councillor Redford advised that the new guide would be a live document available on the Council’s website and it would be reviewed annually to ensure it was up to date.
Members welcomed the report. Councillor Heather Timms particularly welcomed the transparency of the guidance in terms of the work of the Team and availability to the public.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves and adopts the Warwickshire Design Guide attached at Appendix 2 to the report; and
2. Authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to make such modifications to the Warwickshire Design Guide as he may from time to time consider to be appropriate, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, in light of new evidence or changes in relevant legislation, standards, codes and guidance.