Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Report

Meeting: 04/11/2021 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 8)

8 Annual Governance Report pdf icon PDF 230 KB

The report is attached.

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Following introductory comments from the Chair Councillor Bill Gifford welcomed the Councils “whistleblowing” policy adding that it is good to see it used.  


Concerning complaints against elected members of the council Nic Vine (Strategy & Commissioning Manager - Legal and Democratic) informed the committee that to the end of March 2021 there had been 10 complaints. These had been reviewed and triaged by the Monitoring Officer. One complaint was upheld, four were withdrawn, one was considered to be out of scope and four were not withheld.  


It was agreed that comparative figures from other local authorities on complaints against members would be reported to the next meeting of the Audit and Standards Committee.  




That the Audit and Standards Committee notes the content of the report.