6 Coventry and Warwickshire’s Living Well with Dementia Strategy PDF 250 KB
A report will be presented by Claire Taylor, WCC Commissioner (Maintaining and Promoting Independence).
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A report was presented by Claire Taylor, the commissioner responsible for maintaining and promoting independence. This included a PowerPoint presentation which covered the following areas:
It was reported that Coventry and Warwickshire’s Living Well with Dementia Strategy had been refreshed. A period of engagement commenced in early September 2021 and the strategy for the period 2022-2027 would be reviewed thereafter and published in early 2022. The report set out the close working with colleagues through the Health and Care Partnership Dementia Board. The draft strategy had been presented at various boards and approved by the County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health. There were benefits of having a joint strategy for Coventry and Warwickshire, both for commissioning and service providers.
The strategy would be a system document across health and social care in Coventry and Warwickshire with a system partnership approach, fully supported by NHS colleagues and delivered in partnership with the voluntary and community sector. The report detailed the approach to producing the draft strategy, the wide engagement including stakeholders and how this strategy aligned to other local strategies, which focussed on carer wellbeing. Following the engagement, feedback would be collated, published and provided to stakeholders with the findings incorporated in the draft strategy where appropriate. The strategy would be presented to various boards and bodies including the Health and Wellbeing Board and the county council’s Cabinet for approval and would then be published on the Council’s website.
The following points and observations were made: