Issue - meetings

Customer Service Excellence Standard Review June 2021

Meeting: 14/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 3)

3 Customer Service Excellence Standard Review June 2021 pdf icon PDF 316 KB

This report details the outcome of the annual Customer Service Excellence Review.


Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Andy Jenns

Additional documents:


Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Place) presented this report on behalf of Councillor Andy Jenns (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation). The Review had taken place in June 2021 and had focussed on service users needs and preferences.  Councillor Kaur noted that the review had taken place during the pandemic and welcomed how much had been achieved to protect the most vulnerable.  The report identified positive partnership working with the district and borough councils, neighbours and partners.  In response to questions, Councillor Kaur explained that the CRM system was being updated and this would lead to the availability of enhanced customer information.


Councillor Isobel Seccombe, Leader, extended the Cabinet’s thanks to staff for their commitment to the residents of Warwickshire.   Cabinet were pleased to see this recognition.  




That Cabinet:


1.     Notes the outcome of the Customer Service Excellence Review which took place in June 2021; and


2.     Agrees the actions to address the partial compliances listed in the table in section 1 of the report.