3 2022/23 Budget and 2022-27 Medium Term Financial Strategy PDF 114 KB
This report seeks Council approval for the 2022/23 Budget and authorisation for work to continue on ensuring that the 2022-27 Medium Term Financial Strategy is aligned with and supports the delivery of the Council’s ambitions as set out in the Council Plan.
Additional documents:
Councillor Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property introduced the item by thanking officers for their assistance and hard work in developing the budget. He also thanked the budget working group for their assistance in developing the proposals. He then proceeded to set out the Conservative Group’s budget proposals as contained in the appendix to the published report. In doing so he emphasised the following points.
3 2022/23 Budget and 2022-27 Medium Term Financial Strategy - Updated Information PDF 305 KB
Ahead of the Council meeting to be held on 8 February 2022 this report updates Cabinet on the emerging budget and the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Peter Butlin
Additional documents:
Councillor Peter Butlin (Deputy Leader of the Council) introduced the published report which provided an update on the current financial position:
· Additionally because the settlement was only one year and the Government Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing had signalled that the fair funding review would be implemented for the 2023/24 settlement it was unclear what impact this would have on core grants from Government moving forward.
· A cautious approach had been adopted, and a 25% reduction in core grants bad been assumed, meaning that only £0.2m of the £3.4m available in 2022/23 had been assumed would carry forward on an on-going basis from 2023/24 at this stage.
· In terms of Council tax and business rates the final positions from some Districts and Boroughs were awaited. In respect of Council Tax, initial indications suggested the overall tax base had increased more than planning assumptions and there should be an overall surplus on the collection fund.
· The report also provided an update on reserves, which were key to managing the short-term budget position, as was the review of the general risk reserve to ensure that appropriate financial mitigations were available should any risks escalate to become real issues.
· Since December there had also been a number of additional unavoidable spending pressures identified through the latest 2021/22 financial monitoring and issues that had emerged late in the process, totalling £0.77m.
There were no questions or comments on the report.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the latest resource and spending information and the impact on the emerging budget proposals;
2. Notes the Strategic Director for Resources’ risk assessment on the level of general reserves, as detailed in Appendix A;
3. Publishes, in light of the information provided, their 2022/23 budget resolutions for recommendation to Council on 8 February 2022; and
4. Authorises the Strategic Director for Resources to incorporate the outstanding resource information into the budget resolutions to be considered by Council on 8 February 2022.