Issue - meetings

Performance Management & Business Planning Framework

Meeting: 10/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 3)

3 Performance Management & Business Planning Framework pdf icon PDF 336 KB

This paper sets out both the principles that underpin the revised Performance Management & Business Planning Framework framework and the specific performance measures that will be monitored during 2022/23.


Portfolio Holder – Councillor Andy Jenns

Additional documents:


Councillor Andy Jenns (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) explained that a revised Performance Management & Business Planning Framework had been developed as part of the organisation’s approach to integrated planning. The framework was a critical element of the approach that would enable stakeholders to monitor progress in achieving the objectives set out in the new Council Plan.  The paper set out the principles that underpinned the new framework and the specific performance measures that would be monitored during 2022/23 were attached as Appendix 2.  Councillor Jenns noted that the process of producing the framework had been informed by the outcomes of a cross-party member working group and he thanked the members of that group for their work which had resulted in a number of specific recommendations that had been used to shape the new framework.   Councillor Jenns explained why performance management was important, the types of information that needed to be monitored and how information would be used.


Councillor Isobel Seccombe, Leader of the Council, thanked the members of the working group for their valuable input. 


Councillor Jerry Roodhouse, who had taken part in the cross-party working group, drew attention to appendix 3 to the report which specified the recommendations of the working group.  He particularly looked forward to the implementation of a digital library of the Council’s strategies and highlighted the importance of using the Overview and Scrutiny

Chair & Spokes meetings to introduce reporting and review of performance.  He thanked all the officers who had supported the development of the Framework and considered that resources for monitoring the new framework would need to be kept under review.


Councillor Kam Kaur, who had also been a member of the cross-party member working group celebrated the framework as another piece of the jigsaw in the Council’s journey of transformation. 


Councillor Jenns noted the comments made and reiterated thanks to the working group and the officers who had worked on the framework.




1.        That Cabinet approves the revised Performance Management & Business Improvement Framework and requests.

2.        That regular performance reports be brought to Cabinet to help embed a culture of high performance across the organisation.