5 Joint Coventry and Warwickshire All Age Autism Strategy 2021-26 PDF 493 KB
The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee is
asked to consider and endorse the joint All Age Autism Strategy for
Coventry and Warwickshire 2021-26.
Additional documents:
The joint overview and scrutiny committee
received a copy of the report considered and approved at Cabinet on
7 December. The report was introduced by Ali Cole, Joint
Commissioner for Learning and Autism. She outlined the various
bodies which had considered and approved or were due to consider
this strategy.
She reminded of the helpful feedback received
from this joint committee in October 2020, which had assisted in
formulating the strategy, also speaking about the new national
Autism strategy, which this strategy aligned with. She picked up
the points from earlier debate around a focus on support and the
strategy made a commitment that people could access support with or
without a diagnosis. There had been a clear message from autistic
people and their families that diagnosis was important to helping
people understand themselves and their identity. Many autistic
people lived independently without support. Further points raised
that this was an all-age strategy, touching on the issues for
adults with Autism, about how society could become more Autism
friendly and inclusive. This strategy took a broad approach to
creating inclusive communities, beyond health education and social
services; the national strategy did likewise. There was no
additional recurrent funding, but reference was made to the
business case raised under the CWPT item.
Questions and comments were submitted with
responses provided as indicated:
- Councillor Beetham spoke about
working with employers and the need for reasonable adjustments to
be made for autistic people. He asked how this was achieved if
there wasn’t a diagnosis. He
referred to a section of the report on prevalence of Autism. The
data for the Warwick and Nuneaton areas were similar despite
Nuneaton having a much larger population and he sought an
explanation of the reasons for this. The report stated there would
be reduced demand if access to support was available. Ali Cole
responded that a diagnosis would make employers aware that they
might need to make adjustments. Feedback from autistic people
consulted as part of the strategy showed that a diagnosis did not
make enough of a difference. Autism was a spectrum condition with
individual needs. The need for a public awareness raising campaign
was stated, drawing comparison to that undertaken for dementia. A
particular area referenced was the County Council and NHS
organisations setting a good example as employers. On the point
about prevalence, this was a topic both nationally and locally with
the rates being higher than the 1.1% identified via a commissioning
tool. There were a number of contributors why an Autism diagnosis
was not captured reliably. Capturing data and building an evidence
base were a priority within the strategy. A key priority was
looking at the diagnostic pathway having regard to recent referral
- Councillor Humphreys spoke of the
mislabelling of undiagnosed children as naughty. This could lead to
a social stigma and additional problems, both for the child and
their family. A recent case was used to highlight this. Ali Cole
agreed that this demonstrated the need for awareness raising and
view the full minutes text for item 5