Issue - meetings

Integrated Care System

Meeting: 16/11/2022 - Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

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Engagement with the Committee on the ICP Strategy and associated plan.

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The Committee received an update and presentation from Liz Gaulton and Rose Uwins of the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (C&WICB). Initially, background was provided on the Integrated Care System (ICS), a partnership of organisations that came together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services. It explained the role of the C&WICB and the IC Partnership, those which rested with local authorities, care collaboratives and provider collaboratives.


The report set out the requirements to develop an Integrated Care Strategy, to meet the assessed needs, from the previously developed Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs). In Coventry and Warwickshire considerable work on integration had already taken place. The Integrated Care Strategy would build on this to further the required transformative change to tackle the significant challenges facing health and care. The strategy presented an opportunity to do things differently.


The ICP had agreed a work programme to develop the strategy, led by a working group and with input from key stakeholders. The draft strategy needed to be submitted to NHS England for review on 14th December. The report outlined the planned approach and format for developing the strategy, signposting to existing strategies, the mapping which had taken place and identification of proposed priority or ‘strategic focus’ areas. The draft priorities had been discussed at the Integrated Health and Wellbeing Forum, resulting in a series of commitments that would run through the strategy.


Details were provided on engagement activity, to ensure that development of the strategy and the Integrated Care 5-year Plan were done in an aligned and connected way. A separate engagement task and finish group had been established for this purpose which included broad representation from stakeholders. Wide public engagement was also planned with over 30 scheduled events, planning for more events and an online survey. Stakeholder engagement would continue with regular updates, including with this committee.


The requirements to produce a five-year Integrated Health and Care Delivery Plan were reported. The delivery plan would be refreshed before the start of each financial year and meet the reported statutory requirements from the Health and Care Act 2022. Further guidance was expected shortly from NHS England, which would be provided to members via a stakeholder briefing.


The report concluded by referring to the strategy content and next steps, as well as providing the national timeline for producing the strategy and the five year delivery plan.


The presentation included slides on:

  • Integrated Care - a huge opportunity.
  • ICS aims – improve outcomes, tackle inequalities, enhance productivity and value for money and support broader social and economic development.
  • The ICS vision.
  • Planning for the future – development of the Integrated Care Strategy and 5-year Joint Forward Plan.
  • The vision for integration and collaboration across the system to achieve the four key aims.
  • Grounded in the reality of now. The strategy would be built from local assessments, include consultation with Healthwatch and statutory components of national guidance. It would set out how assessed needs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5