Additional documents:
Sally Panayi (Senior Planner) presented the applications and made the following points:
· The report covered four applications
· They are Section 73 applications to vary the planning conditions on each application to extend the date for completion of inert waste recycling operations and site restoration until December 2031
· The objection from Lea Marston Parish Council was withdrawn the day before the meeting because the applicants are willing to review remodelling of the temporary bunding around site, have discussions about biodiversity offsetting and visual amenity planting and work with them to resolve the security night light issue. The Parish Council’s rationale for withdrawing their objection was also that the application seeks temporary consent. It was requested that the planning conditions reference North Warwickshire Local Plan Policies LP17 and LP 18
· The site is 9 hectares in North Warwickshire and located close to J9 of the M42 and M6 toll road. The site is accessed via the A446 which has a dual carriageway
· Coleshill is three kilometres south of the site, Curdworth is one kilometre west, and Lea Marston is over one kilometre east
· National Grid has a substation located 45 metres south-east of the site
· HS2 will run past the site, and they have purchased the residential property to the south of the site
· Dunston Hall is the nearest property, it is a listed building occupied by residential and business uses.
· The public footpath between Lea Marston and the site has already been diverted around the application site and will be further diverted by HS2
· Other future developments in the area included a recently approved battery storage facility on land to the east, an allocated sand/gravel site included in the emerging Minerals Plan.
· The site was previously a sand/gravel quarry which was later infilled with inert waste which in 2002 was approved to be recycled to recover aggregates. That recycling operation has been completed. The site now imports inert waste for recycling.
· The site is permitted to process 400,000 tonnes of construction/demolition waste annually and 100,000 tonnes of Incinerator Bottom Ash annually. The limits are controlled by by the EA (Environmental Agency)
· 100,000 tonnes of mineral (sand/gravel) remain on the site to be excavated
· The second planning consent on site is a concrete batching facility that produces/exports up to 50,000 cubic metres of concrete annually
· The third application is for a workshop and store building.
· The fourth application was approved in 2015 for an extension to the north of the site for use as a storage area with a bund on the northern perimeter of the site.
· These existing approvals all required completion of works by the end of December 2021
· The current applications were submitted prior to that deadline date,
· The application site is in the Green Belt where development is considered unacceptable unless ‘very special circumstances’ outweigh the harm.The ‘very special circumstances’ put forward are considered acceptable: “the site makes a major contribution to Warwickshire's local aggregate assessment, Warwickshire currently has insufficient active primary aggregate sites to meet the county's ... view the full minutes text for item 3