6 Draft Fraud Strategy for the Warwickshire Pension Fund PDF 206 KB
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Neil Buxton (Technical Specialist – Pension Fund Policy and Governance) introduced the report, stating that it sought to enhance governance of the Pension Fund. He stated that the Committee’s input would be welcomed. Following the meeting, the report would be presented to the Local Pension Board prior to final ratification of the Fraud Strategy by the Staff and Pensions Committee in June or September 2022. He advised that the report had been produced following a review undertaken by Internal Audit which did not identify any areas of particular concern, other than to recommend that a policy strategy statement be instated. He provided an overview of policy objectives and highlighted the measures in place to detect and prevent fraud. He advised that training sessions would be held to ensure that staff are fully engaged and able to assist in the detection of potential fraud.
Consideration was given to measures in place to enable the Pension Fund to be notified of the death of a pensioner, including returned payslips and BACs payments.
That the Staff and Pensions Committee notes the Draft Fraud and Corruption Policy for the Warwickshire Pension Fund appended to the report.