Issue - meetings

Warwickshire Adult and Community Learning Progress and Performance Report

Meeting: 22/06/2022 - Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Warwickshire Adult and Community Learning Progress and Performance Report pdf icon PDF 240 KB

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Judy Hallam (Delivery Lead ACL (Contractor) presented the report and highlighted that:

·     The Adult Community Learning Services provided a variety of high-quality learning opportunities to adults across Warwickshire

·     It targeted those with the highest needs however there were challenges with funding as the grant funding from the SFA (Skills Funding Agency) was static for years so resources needed to be carefully utilised

·     Another challenge was with delivering education post Covid-19 as people wanted to learn in different ways

·     Classes were not done a mixture of in-person and online

·     They wanted to attract new learners, particularly residents with high needs

·     She was seeking feedback on the current performance and future plans statement of intent that was being drafted with future aspirations for the service


Councillor Jackie D’Arcy praised the report and the fact that the curriculum grades remained steady. In response to Councillor D’Arcy, Judy Hallam stated that they were trying to get more males into adult education as they were below the national average with males. They were also looking at how to target more unemployed residents because they were missing out. Work was being done with the Department for Work and Pensions on how to identify these people and meet their needs; historically the service had not done this. This should attract more males into adult education.