4 Audit and Standards Committee Annual Report 2021/22 PDF 88 KB
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Councillor Christopher Kettle introduced the published report and moved the motion stating the Audit and Standards Committee had undertaken some very valuable work over the last 12 months. He thanked members of the committee and John Bridgeman, the Chair of their committee for their hard work and noted the contribution of the late John Horner.
Councillor John Cooke seconded the motion.
Councillor Bill Gifford observed that Councillor John Horner had been a great loss to the Committee. He noted that there had been no standards issues for the Committee to consider for a number of years and he considered this to be a compliment to the Council and the amicable approach that was taken. He hoped that this would continue into the future.
Councillor Kettle welcomed these comments and commended the report to the meeting.
A vote was held. The motion was carried unanimously.
That Council endorses the Annual Report of the Audit & Standards Committee.