4 Annual Governance Report PDF 101 KB
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Sioned Harper (Team Lead, Senior Solicitor – Governance) outlined the Annual Governance Report and explained that whilst there was no legal requirement to produce such a report, it was considered good practice in light of the Committee’s remit.
Sioned Harper highlighted the arrangements in place to enable the Committee to carry out its assurance role and explained the various systems and processes the Council used to ensure legal and regulatory compliance. Some of the more familiar processes to Councillors were declarations of interest, the register of gifts and hospitality, as well as similar processes for staff.
Sioned Harper also gave an overview of some of the external inspections and reviews carried out, with a Local Government Association Peer Challenge taking place in March 2022. There were a number of actions arising from this including enhancing the training offer for staff and councillor development as well as a leadership training programme.
Within section 4 of the report, details were provided relating to Code of Conduct complaints received in the year ending March 2022 and how these had been progressed. Following a request at a previous meeting, members were provided with comparative figures from other local authorities relating to complaints against members.
Following consideration of this information, Councillor Gifford expressed the view that Warwickshire County Council appeared to be in a healthy position compared to higher numbers of complaints at other authorities. He went on to compliment the recent positive Ofsted inspection and felt that the Council overall was in a favourable position.
The Chair, Robert Zara, highlighted the feedback from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman annual review letter, detailed in paragraphs 2.3 onwards, which reflected on two areas of improvement and the steps being taken to address the issues raised.
That the Committee notes the content of the report.