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Councillor Margaret Bell introduced the report which sought approval to progress with the development of a specialist supported housing scheme. The scheme would accommodate people with autism or autism and learning disabilities who require specifically adapted and single occupancy accommodation with care support.
Councillor Bell explained that the aim was to reduce the number of people in inpatient settings, helping to bring them back into the community. She provided an overview of proposed development which would provide six self-contained bungalows with front and rear gardens.
Councillor Peter Butlin applauded the work and explained the costs involved. He felt that, whilst there was a cost to the authority, it was important to make provision for children and young adults with specific needs and to give them the opportunity to have their independence whilst functioning within the community.
Councillor John Holland welcomed the report but raised a concern about the number of people struggling to receive a diagnosis of autism. In response, Councillor Bell assured the meeting that the Council was very aware of the problems encountered with getting a diagnosis and confirmed that the team were on target to reduce the waiting time to 13 weeks.
Councillor Izzy Seccombe added her support to the project and was excited to see the development progress. She reiterated that the project was aimed at people with long term needs and challenges, enabling them to live independently with support, gain employment, travel and socialise.
Councillor Sarah Boad also welcomed the report, stating it was lovely to see a development of this type in the south and middle of the County.
Having considered the report and having heard from those present, Councillor Bell moved the recommendations as laid out. It was therefore,
That Cabinet:
1) Supports in principle the proposed use of a vacant Warwickshire County Council site, the Shortwoods site in the North of the County (North Warwickshire Borough area) for the establishment of six units of ‘Building the Right Home’ supported housing as part of the Transforming Care agenda, for people with autism or autism and learning disabilities;
2) Authorises the Strategic Director for People, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health, to commence a procurement process for the appointment of a registered housing provider to develop a bid to NHS England (NHSE) on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board to secure ‘Building the Right Home’ Capital Grant funding for the capital costs of this proposed development and to deliver the scheme; and
3) Subject to the required capital funding for the scheme being secured:
a) authorises the Strategic Director for People to enter into all relevant contracts for the design, build and management of the scheme on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources;
b) authorises the Strategic Director for Resources to enter into all property related agreements that he considers necessary on terms and conditions acceptable to him, including authority if necessary to grant a 125-year lease at ... view the full minutes text for item 7