Issue - meetings

Assistive Technology

Meeting: 11/01/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 10)

10 Assistive Technology and the Integrated Care Record pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To receive updates on improving and increasing the offer of assistive technology to Warwickshire residents; and the Integrated Care Record.

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Russell Hardy (SWFT and George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust) felt that this was a wonderful opportunity.  He referred to the system used in Scandinavia whereby all domiciliary care visits were undertaken using Assistive Technology.  He recognised that the work detailed in the report was very positive and referred to Danielle Oum as a real advocate of the digital agenda.  He concluded by stating that keeping focused on that would be a positive move forwards.


The report was taken as read and, taking on board the comments received, was noted.