4 Better Care Fund (BCF) Annual Plan 2022/23 PDF 122 KB
The Board is asked to consider and provide feedback on the Better Care Fund Policy Framework and Planning Requirements for 2022/23, also to consider arrangements for the approval of the final submission to NHS England.
Additional documents:
The Board considered a report on the Better Care Fund (BCF) submission and annual plan for 2022/23. The BCF was a programme spanning local government and the NHS which sought to join-up health and care services. The report set out key information on the BCF Policy Framework and the requirements for this year’s submission to NHS England by 26th September. Agreement was therefore sought for approval of the final version of the plan to be delegated to a Sub-Committee of the Board, once it had been approved by the Integrated Care Board and the County Council.
The report set out the four national conditions of the policy framework, along with additional system requirements for this year to agree high level capacity and demand plans for intermediate care services. It set out the compliance and other requirements for the local system. A section was provided on the future of the BCF policy framework. The financial implications detailed the grant funding to local government, which comprised the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) and Disabled Facilities Grant. Detail was provided on the financial contributions and mandatory funding sources, totalling just over £63million. Similar to previous years, the County Council continued as the pooled budget holder for the fund.
The report included supporting information on the metrics that must be included in BCF plans in 2022/23. It detailed the approvals already provided for this year’s BCF, those required prior to submission to NHS England and the future timetable for the BCF. Appended to the report were the BCF Narrative Plan, Planning Template and Capacity and Demand Plan.
Further information was provided around the completion of the sign-off processes, culminating in a meeting of the Board’s Sub-Committee on 22nd September at 2pm in Atherstone. The documents for that meeting would be published a week in advance showing tracked changes from those provided at this meeting.
That Health and Wellbeing Board:
Agrees that the Board's Sub-Committee meets on 22nd September to approve the final version of the Better Care Fund Plan for 2022/23, for submission to NHS England.