Issue - meetings

Forward Plan

Meeting: 07/11/2022 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (Item 5)

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Vicky Jenks told members it had not been possible to bring an update on the abatement policy to the Board before now, but it would be discussed at December’s Staff and Pensions Committee meeting. The Board would have the opportunity to discuss it at the next meeting in February. It was hoped an update on the discretions policy would also be available for February. The other items due to come to the next meeting were outlined. Vicky Jenks said training would need to be arranged for the Board’s new member, Councillor Brian Hammersley, and this could be coordinated with other authorities if they also needed to take part in training.


Responding to a point raised by the Chair, Vicky Jenks said attempts were being made to consolidate codes of practice and good governance so there were fewer of them. Matt Mott told members that Code of Practice 14 was due to be withdrawn as part of the consolidation process. The new process was due to be announced in the spring. Matt Mott said a meeting or training session could be arranged on the new code and how it would benefit Fire and Rescue Services, pension scheme members and administrators.