Issue - meetings

Q3 Integrated Performance Report

Meeting: 19/04/2023 - Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Council Plan 2022-2027 Integrated Performance Report Quarter 3 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

For the Committee to consider and comment on the Quarter 3 organisational performance and progress against the Integrated Delivery Plan.

Additional documents:


Pete Sidgwick, Assistant Director, Adult Social Care introduced this item and gave a presentation to pull out the key messages. The report summarised the Council’s performance at the end of the third quarter (April-December 2022) against the strategic priorities and areas of focus set out in the Council Plan 2022-2027. This report drew out relevant areas within the Committee’s remit from that presented to Cabinet on 16 February. Sections of the report together with detailed supporting appendices focussed on:


·   Performance against the Performance Management Framework

·   Progress against the Integrated Delivery Plan

·   Management of Finance

·   Management of Risk


The report provided a combined picture of the Council’s delivery, performance and risk. Overall, there had been an improvement in performance when compared with the Quarter 2 position. There were ten key business measures (KBMs) within the remit of the committee. Of these, nine were reportable in this quarter. A table set out the quarterly performance data, with eight of the KBMs assessed as being on track and one was not on track.


The report detailed key emerging themes. These included increasing service demand, capacity and workload issues impacting delivery across the organisation and difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in a highly constrained national and local labour market.


There were notable aspects of positive performance, with the report highlighting that no care providers had exited the market due to business failure. Another area was the consistently reducing data for people with a learning disability or autism in an inpatient unit.


Performance challenges were reported, the main one being a steep decline in the number of carers in receipt of support during this quarter. However, this could be attributed to additional support being provided by the Carer’s Trust.


The report set out services’ projected performance trajectory. This was positive, in terms of delivery of the 29 Adult Social Care actions set out in the Integrated Delivery Plan, with 80% being on track and 3% complete. Seventeen percent of actions were classified as at risk and these actions were reported on in more detail.


One of the Councils strategic risks related to Adult Social Care and Health directly and currently had a ‘red’ status. Two other red rated strategic risks related to inflation and the cost of living, and the economy might impact on service provision and service demand. At the service level, two risks were rated ‘red’, being the risk of care market failure and the risk of an ongoing impact on public health resources of responding to Covid-19.


The presentation included slides on:

·   Council Plan 2022-2027: Strategic Context and Performance Commentary

·   Performance relating to this Committee

·   Area of focus: Support people to live healthy, happy, and independent lives and work with partners to reduce health inequalities 

·   Projection

·   Integrated Delivery Plan

·   Financial performance

·   Management of risk


Questions and comments were invited with responses provided as indicated: