3 A429 Coventry Road, Warwick. Traffic Regulation Order approvals. PDF 125 KB
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That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves:
a. Warwickshire County Council (Guys Cross Park Road, Warwick) (Prohibition of Right Turns) Order 2023 under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984.
b. Warwickshire County Council (A429 Coventry Road, Townsend Close, Phillippes Road and Huddison Close, Warwick) Cycle Track Order 2022 the Cycle Tracks Act 1984
a. Installation of pedestrian and cycle crossings on various road as shown on drawings 9.2-A429-063-021 (Appendix A) and 9.2-A429-063-022 (Appendix B) under s23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
i) 2 x zebra crossings on Guys Cross Park Road (northern and southern arms)
ii) a cycle/pedestrian priority crossing on Rowan Drive
iii) a cycle/pedestrian priority crossing on Station Avenue
iv) the upgrading of the existing puffin crossing located by The Railway Inn on the A429 Coventry Road to a toucan crossing
v) The implementation of a new toucan crossing on the A429 Coventry Road approximately 10 metres north of Lakin Road
b. Installation of raised tables to enable cycle/pedestrian priority crossings on various roads as shown on drawings 9.2-A429-063-021 (Appendix A) and 9.2-A429-063-022 (Appendix B) under s90A and 90G of the Highways Act 1980
i) The Paddocks, located 15 metres west of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road.
ii) Station Avenue, located 10 metres east of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road
iii) Guys Cross Park Road, located on its entry approximately 15 metres west of its southern junction with A429 Coventry Road
iv) Rowan Drive, located 5 metres west of its junction with the A429 Coventry Road
c. Conversion of footways on the A429 Coventry Road to shared and segregated use footways/cycle tracks as advertised with Section 65 and Section 66 of the Highways Act 1980.
These measures form part of a cycling scheme proposed to be implemented on the A429 Coventry Road, Warwick between The Paddocks and Primrose Hill.