Issue - meetings

Pay award for Warwickshire County Council Employees on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions 2022

Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Staff and Pensions Committee (Item 2)

2 Pay Award for Warwickshire County Council Employees on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions 2022 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

The report and appendices are attached.

Additional documents:


Trish Kinsella (Lead Commissioner – Strategic People Improvement) introduced the report which sought the Committee’s approval to apply the national pay award to Warwickshire County Council staff employed on the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) in line with the approach set out within Section 3 of the report. Additionally, it was recommended that in future, only changes outside of the nationally determined pay uplift and advisory pay points would be brought to the Committee for approval with any changes within the nationally determined award being deemed approved.


Councillor Gifford expressed support for both recommendations. He recognised the financial pressures faced by schools. However, the Council could not influence the outcome of the national pay award. He moved that the Committee approve the recommendations.


Councillor Kettle expressed agreement that the first recommendation, to apply the national pay award, be approved by the Committee. However, he expressed his view that the Committee should continue to review future national pay awards. He stated that it was unlikely that in future years the proposed pay award would be deemed to be unacceptable. However, the Committee retained an obligation to Warwickshire taxpayers and the pay award should be given consideration, rather than agreed without holding a meeting.


A vote was held on the first recommendation, to apply the national pay award. This was unanimously supported by the Committee.


A vote was held on the second recommendation, that in future only changes outside the nationally determined pay uplift and advisory pay points would be brought to the Committee for approval (with any changes within the nationally determined award being deemed approved). The recommendation was not supported.




That the Committee approves the application of the national pay award to Warwickshire County Council staff employed on the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document in line with the approach set out at Section 3 of the report.