6 Tender to Establish a Replacement Bus Services Dynamic Purchasing System PDF 97 KB
A report seeking approval to tender for the provision of a replacement Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for bus transport contracts when the current DPS expires on 31 March 2023.
Portfolio Holder – Councillor Redford
Additional documents:
In the absence of Councillor Wallace Redford, Councillor Martin Watson introduced the report which sought approval to commence an appropriate procurement exercise to establish a replacement Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for bus transport contracts.
Councillor Watson explained that the report related to the renewal of a new DPS linked to bus services across Warwickshire. He advised that the existing scheme was due to end on 31 March 2023 and approval for a replacement was sought to ensure the service continued. Members noted that the DPS was a procurement legislation compliant electronic open marketplace system which enabled suppliers to join at any time and gave the Council access to suppliers quickly and efficiently. Councillor Watson advised that this process gave the Council the ability to operate with less restrictions and limitations whilst achieving value and improving efficiency.
The Chair opened the floor to questions and, having received none, Councillor Watson proposed the recommendations as laid out in the report.
That Cabinet
1) Authorise the Strategic Director for Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, to commence an appropriate procurement exercise to establish a replacement Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for bus transport contracts; and
Authorise the Strategic Director for Communities to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements, to establish the DPS for the provision of bus transport on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director of Resources, with subsequent call-off contracts for specific routes awarded under the DPS in line with Contract Standing Orders.