3 Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Strategy PDF 448 KB
To receive the annual report of the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy.
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The Board received a report which presented an interim care strategy, setting out how the assessed needs of the population could be met by the Integrated Care System (ICS).
Danielle Oum (C&W ICS) introduced the strategy on behalf of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and recognised that a lot of the officers present had been involved in the development of the strategy, with work taking place in a relatively short timeframe and as a result of a fairly comprehensive engagement programme involving key stake holders, community and partners. She described it as an alliterative process, the basis of a forward plan which would be worked on. It was noted that this had not been published yet, so this was the opportunity to make any suggestions or comments.
Danielle Oum referred to this being a new way of working for everyone and felt that the mission statement signed up to was a powerful ambition, encouraging individuals to take ownership of their own health and focus services where they were needed. The strategy set out the agreed priorities and she asked those present to consider what the HWBB would need to see with a Warwickshire focus, on a regular basis to ensure this was moving in the right direction of travel.
Councillor Judy Falp, representing Warwick District Council, welcomed the inclusion of priority 1 ‘Prioritising prevention and improving future health outcomes through tackling health inequalities’ which she hoped would go some way to individuals avoiding admission to hospital.
Councillor Roodhouse referred to the financial strain and challenges and queried the powers available to give support. He did not want to just note reports and recognised that the prevention agenda was something that had committed investment. Councillor Roodhouse recognised the role of District and Borough Councils in the process and queried how the HWBB may address the pressure being put on NHS England. He queried the powers that the Board had and how the discussions could culminate in actions for the benefit of residents.
Dame Stella Manzie (UHCW) noted the progress made and felt the key was a sharp focus, revisiting priorities and ensuring all individual organisations were aware of these. She highlighted the need to ensure joined up working, thinking in multi-directional ways whilst continuing to deliver services under pressure. Dame Manzie also reminded the Board that it was important not to spread officers too thinly, maintaining focus and embedding prevention. She referred to the Improving Lives project which should change pathways for elderly people and those specifics could then be reported back.
Mannie Ketley highlighted the connection with her presentation reiterating that clarity was important to avoid micromanaging at Place level.
Chris Bain (HWW) recognised the amount of work that had gone into the strategy. He felt that the connection with communities was needed with a system that was becoming more complex. He advised that Healthwatch’s concern was where the patient’s voice could best be heard and in what form. He queried the consultation mechanism and felt that to be ... view the full minutes text for item 3