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The Health and Wellbeing Board will receive an update from the Place Partnerships.
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The Board received an update from Mannie Ketley, Chief Executive of Rugby Borough Council alongside Chris Elliott, Chief Executive of Warwick District Council, who joined the meeting virtually. Mannie Ketley delivered a presentation to the meeting entitled ‘The Journey of Place’ which provided background information and an update on progress of the Place Priorities for the North, Rugby and South areas of the County.
Having introduced herself, Mannie Ketley advised that the presentation she was about to deliver contained a slight variation to the original document circulated and she would share a revised set of slides to members after the meeting.
Mannie Ketley took the Board through the presentation which included information on:
· The Journey of Place – key milestones that each area had been through, starting in 2018 up to the present day;
· An explanation of what the HWBB Strategy meant for each area including future development of implementation plans and working with the HWBB Executive Office Group;
· Progress to date with the Place Partnerships including review delivery priorities, refreshing terms of reference and future engagement measures;
· What the draft ICS Strategy said about Place, a summary of the four commitments and definitions as to how partners would work on priorities;
· Lessons learnt from South Place Peer Review including highlighted strengths focus moving forward and key opportunities;
Warwick District Council’s Chief Executive, Chris Elliott addressed the meeting and reflected on the past few years working at ‘Place’ level. He felt there had been a lot of buy in by organisations and representatives, with people joining together to deliver a common aim. Chris Elliott went on to describe how projects were now starting to come through and beginning to make a difference, such as the community centre provision at Packmores in Warwick.
Mannie Ketley then introduced the final slide which described the latter part of the journey and how it might be possible for areas to prepare for the next steps. She asked the Board to consider the resources that might be required and advised that there would be a meeting held next month with colleagues to discuss this and thoughts on how ‘Place’ was connected to the wider Integrated Care System.
Mannie Ketley thanked Danielle Oum for attending a Rugby Place Partnership meeting recently and hoped that further clarification could be sought as to what the two way communication would look like. She highlighted the need to deliver on shared objectives, avoid duplication of work and harness a coherent approach. She concluded by reiterating the importance of trying to identify necessary change and how to make those changes ‘business as usual’.
The Chair thanked both Chief Executives for attending and delivering the update. She felt this went a long way to reinforce the commitment to work with the Place Partnerships and to identify ways to improve the wellbeing of communities and drive forward strategies.
Danielle Oum (C&W ICS) addressed the meeting and felt the presentation showed how partners were working collectively across Coventry & Warwickshire and how this enabled ... view the full minutes text for item 2