4 Education Capital Programme 2022/23 PDF 95 KB
To consider a request for additional funding be allocated to existing project.
Portfolio Holder - Councillor Butlin
Additional documents:
Councillor Peter Butlin introduced the report which recommended proposals for allocating resources in the Education (Schools) Capital Programme to the project set out in Section 3 of the report.
Councillor Butlin explained that the report proposed the addition to the Capital Programme of £1.028m, funded from the Department for Education grant, to deliver the scheme at the Queen Elizabeth Academy in Atherstone. He reminded the meeting that the decision to allocate funding for the initial project had been approved earlier in the year. Since then, the project had progressed through the procurement process and having reviewed all of the prices submitted, the cost of the works had increased. He signposted members to section 3 of the report which detailed the reasons for the extra funding. As explained in the report, Councillor Butlin felt that the impact of inflation had been one of the biggest drivers for the increased cost, along with additional outlay as explained in paragraph 3.7. Councillor Butlin referred to the information in section 2 of the report which laid out the financial implications along with the remaining funds in the Basic Need capital grant as outlined in the table at paragraph 2.3.
Having opened the floor to questions and having received none, Councillor Butlin requested support to approve the recommendations as per page 91 of the agenda pack.
That Cabinet
1) Approve the addition to the capital programme of £1.028m funded from the Department for Education grant to deliver the scheme at The Queen Elizabeth Academy, Atherstone; and
Authorise the Strategic Director for People, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, to make the necessary funding arrangements for this scheme.