Issue - meetings

Customer Complaints Policy

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Customer Complaints Policy pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive and consider the revised Customer Complaints Policy, incorporating the updated Childrens and Adults Social Care Statutory Procedures.

Additional documents:


Councillor Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer & Transformation, outlined the report proposing the revised Customer Complaints Policy for approval.  He provided background information about the project which had been undertaken over recent months, highlighting that a key driver had been to ensure the complainant was aware of the processes and timelines involved.  The approached remained one of dealing with complaints efficiently and transparently.


Whilst there were no significant changes to the policy, this was now split into three standalone documents dealing with Adults Social Care Statutory Complaints, Children’s Social Care Statutory Complaints and the overarching Customer Complaints Policy.


Councillor Dahmash highlighted the provision that dealt with unreasonable behaviour towards officers, which he reiterated was unacceptable and abuse would not be tolerated.  He signposted Members to paragraph 1.6 of the report which provided further detail.


Councillor Seccombe noted that this policy dealt with customer service complaints and not Members complaints.  The report was seeking to improve the existing provision and deliver a better service.


Councillor Holland supported the aim of the changes but advised that he would like further clarification on how neighbour issues were managed.  He provided an example of an existing dispute regarding Cape Road Car Park which appeared to remain unresolved.  The Leader advised that as this issue was under the judicial process, it would be inappropriate to discuss it in this forum.  She assured Councillor Holland that she would be happy to assist with his query outside of the meeting.


Councillor Sinclair recognised that commercial organisations embraced complaints as a way to improve services.  Councillor Dahmash agreed and assured that the focus was to become receptive and not defensive.  He outlined the recommendations as detailed in the report.




That Cabinet approves the revised Customer Complaints Policy, incorporating the updated Childrens and Adults Social Care Statutory Procedures, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.