2 Kenilworth Road Cycle Route, Leamington Spa PDF 125 KB
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Councillor Bill Gifford praised the report’s proposals as it was the first steps of K2L. His residents were also supportive of the scheme and K2L in general. No cyclists would travel between Kenilworth and Leamington until there were safe cycle routes between the two. There were concerns with the Cloister Croft Junction and this should be addressed at a later stage.
North of Cloister Crofts was a junction that was concealed by the high houses or hedges, and he queried whether there could be any warning signs implemented to warn cyclists of emerging cars from the junction.
Councillor Wallace Redford confirmed that was being considered and he will follow this up.
Councillor Redford reiterated that K2L was an important project that they did not want to delay. It was set to start construction on the 16th January as Balfour Beatty had a slot where they could start it. It needed to be started otherwise money already spent on the project would be lost as well as funding allotted to it.
That the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning approves the proposed conversion of footway to shared and segregated use footways / cycle tracks, pursuant to sections 65 and 66 of the Highways Act 1980, at Kenilworth Road, Beauchamp Road and Clarendon Avenue in Leamington Spa and the upgrading of an existing signal-controlled pedestrian crossing (Puffin) to a pedestrian and cycle crossing (Toucan) on the Lillington Avenue arm of the crossroads junction at A452 Kenilworth Road / Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa pursuant to section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, shown on the drawings included in appendices B, C and D. The footway to cycle track conversion and pedestrian crossing upgrade forms part of a cycling scheme proposed to be implemented between the junction of Clarendon Avenue and Beauchamp Road and a point 150m north of the junction of the A452 Kenilworth Road and Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa.