Issue - meetings

Sustainable Futures Strategy

Meeting: 15/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Sustainable Futures Strategy pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider a report outlining the progress made on the draft Sustainable Futures Strategy along with recommendations for approval.

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Councillor Heather Timms introduced the report which summarised the feedback gathered following wide engagement on the Sustainable Futures Strategy.  She gave an overview of the different stakeholder groups involved and the proposed establishment of expert panels to help to further develop this work.  The aim was to present the draft strategy to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees in September before submission to Cabinet in the Autumn.


Councillor Timms applauded the strong engagement from various groups and the ambition to extend that work further.  She went on to assure the meeting that work was continuing on a number of actions as outlined in the report including Electric Vehicle Charging and tree planting.  She concluded by advising that she was confident the Council was on track for achieving net zero by 2030.


Following a question from Councillor Dahmash, Councillor Timms advised that the theme based panels would comprise industry experts, with a wide range of stakeholders to help inform them.


Having received no questions, Councillor Timms asked Cabinet to approve the recommendations.




That Cabinet:


1)    Acknowledges the progress made since the approval for engagement of the draft Sustainable Futures Strategy in October 2022 and the stakeholder feedback summarised in Section 2 and Appendix 1;

2)    Supports the establishment of theme based expert panels drawn from industry and Warwickshire communities to enable production of a final strategy and action plan; and

Requests that the draft strategy be considered by Overview and Scrutiny Committees in September, and the Members’ Climate Emergency Group on 20September for comment and any recommendations before consideration of the final Sustainable Futures Strategy and supporting action plan by Cabinet.