5 Warwickshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026 PDF 128 KB
This report presents a new Warwickshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy for 2023-2026, as endorsed by the Safter Warwickshire Partnership Board, Violence Against Women and Girls Board and VAWG Strategy Task and Finish Group.
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The report presented the Warwickshire Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy 2023-2026 replacing the previous strategy which had covered the period 2015-2018.
Councillor Bell introduced the report and explained that this work followed on from a report considered at the last Cabinet meeting relating to the Warwickshire Safe Accommodation Strategy. She referred to the updated VAWG strategy published by Government in 2021 and explained that Warwickshire had responded with their own, local version. She highlighted the focus on the delivery of four key priorities and objectives which included Prioritising Prevention, Supporting Victims, Pursuing Perpetrators and Reducing Re-offending and Strengthening the System. The report advised that implementation of the Strategy would be led by the VAWG Strategy Task and Finish Group and overseen by the VAWG Board.
Councillor Crump endorsed the report and gave credit to the officers and partnership working demonstrated. He highlighted the multi-agency approach as outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report. He reminded everyone present of the damage and devastation that domestic abuse caused and the impact on families, carers and communities. Paragraph 2.7 of the report detailed funding via the Government’s Safer Streets initiative and Councillor Crump explained that the total figure should be amended to read £375,000.
Councillor Roodhouse welcomed the report and supported the direction of travel. He went on to highlight that domestic abuse towards males should not be lost sight of and, whilst he recognised that occurrences were lower, coercive behaviour could be experienced on both sides of a relationship.
Councillor Seccombe agreed with the comments made and recognised the investment committed to supporting the service. She agreed with the comments made by Councillor Roodhouse and noted that there were other victim groups, rarely discussed including the abuse of parents by children. She referred to the definition of VAWG on page 128 of the report and recognised that there was a trend of change that everyone needed to be aware of. Councillor Seccombe concluded by encouraging open discussions with partners which would enable the Council to address the safety of residents in Warwickshire. She thanked both portfolio holders and the officers involved for their work.
Councillor Crump thanked everyone for their support and reminded them that domestic violence could occur in any relationship including same sex relationships.
Resolved that the Warwickshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026 is approved.