6 GP Services Task and Finish Review
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For the Committee to consider the review
report from the GP Services Task and Finish Group.
Additional documents:
On behalf of Councillor Falp, Chair of the
Task and Finish Group (TFG), Paul Spencer, Senior Democratic
Services Officer introduced this item.
The County Council had approved a motion that
the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(OSC) review and make recommendations about the provision of health
centres within Warwickshire. To undertake this review, the OSC
appointed a member TFG. An outline was given of the process
undertaken by the TFG. It considered written evidence and held
discussions with expert contributors from the NHS. Contributions
were also provided by Healthwatch Warwickshire and a co-opted
representative from a district council. The review included a
comprehensive presentation from the then Coventry and Warwickshire
Clinical Commissioning Group and a GP doctor who also represented
the Local Medical Committee. The review report had been submitted.
The TFG made a series of recommendations for the Coventry and
Warwickshire Integrated Care System (ICS) and for those within the
remit of individual agencies. The recommendations and the rationale
for each of those recommendations were set out in the covering
report and the appended review report, which also provided the
supporting information.
Members reviewed the report and appendix,
raising the following points:
- Chris Bain said this was a
comprehensive report. There were some things which could not be
influenced such as the shortage of GPs. There was more interest in
looking at those things which the system could begin to tackle,
such as the effectiveness of primary care networks (PCNs) in
supporting practices, ensuring the patient voice was heard and
lived experiences captured in PCNs. There was mixed experience of
this and how well patient participation groups were working. This
was another area where patient expectations clashed with capacity
creating a tension. Demands on general practice were increasing.
One contributor was people delaying going to their GP and their
condition worsening as a result. He was concerned about the
emergence of a primary care provider collaborative as part of the
ICS. Healthwatch had not been involved in the development of that
collaborative and he wondered where the patient voice and lived
experience was being reflected in that collaborative.
- Councillor Shenton sought more
information about the NHS endeavours to recruit another 556 full
time equivalent roles into primary care. He asked if these staff
were an increase, or to replace others and what the net effect was.
Additionally, more information was sought about what the equivalent
roles would be. This would be researched with NHS colleagues. There
were also plans to revisit primary care as part of the
committee’s future work programme.
- On GP recruitment, Chris Bain added
that doctors were less willing to become practice partners than
being a part time GP. This created a further problem of securing
senior GPs, to manage practices and replacing those who were
nearing retirement age.
- Councillor Bell took this point
speaking of the opportunity for employed GPs rather than the
current private businesses. Personally, she would like to see the
acute trusts become involved in establishing such practices
view the full minutes text for item 6