Issue - meetings

Risk Monitoring

Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (Item 2)

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An update was provided by Vicky Jenks (Pensions Admin Delivery Lead), who advised there had been two amendments made to the risk register. The first was a pensions dashboard readiness indicator, which had been suggested by officers from the West Yorkshire Pension Fund as a way of ensuring officers were aware of their responsibilities regarding data and that it was of a sufficiently high standard that would allow pension holders to access it via the dashboard. The policy schedule had also been updated so relevant officers were aware of when the policies they were responsible for needed to be reviewed or updated. Work was taking place to identify which officers would be best placed to look at the reviews and ensuring they were on their work programmes.


Vicky Jenks told members that the Pension Fund had received some claims relating to the second modified Matthews exercise and these were in the process of being dealt with. However consideration was being given to the potential for legal challenges arising from this, and whether this needed to be included on the risk register in its own right, or by being incorporated into another entry onto the register.


Paul Morley advised the claim was a collective one and reminded members a pay dispute was ongoing. There was the potential for further disputes in the future, which could have an effect on staff morale and wellbeing. It was agreed to revise the wording on item 3 on the risk register and elaborate on how the legal challenges could arise, and how the cumulative build-up of issues could negatively affect the administration of the pensions service.


Responding to a point raised by Barnaby Briggs, Vicky Jenks said a pandemic ought to remain on the risk register but accepted that the register did not necessarily need to specifically refer to Covid. A pandemic could refer to, for example, an influenza outbreak. Members noted that the Firefighter Pensions schemes did not have a pension strain chargeable or any assets, but accepted a point raised by Jan Cumming that the effects of Covid could have a potential impact on the Fund due to the possibility of an increased number of pension holders taking early retirement on ill health grounds. Additionally it could lead to an unavailability of staff within the Council or administrator.


Responding to a question from Councillor Brian Hammersley regarding working from home, Vicky Jenks said workers had to undergo a DSE assessment and ensure they had the correct working setup, which would then be signed off by their line manager. However there was no requirement for a full risk assessment of employees’ homes to be carried out.


Members noted the amendments that had been made to the risk register.