2 Service Estimate 2023/24 PDF 138 KB
To consider how each Service plans to use the revenue and capital resources allocated in 2023/24 to meet the ambitions of the Council Plan. This will include approving the detailed revenue budget, savings plan and capital programme as attached alongside noting adjustments where required.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Peter Butlin
Additional documents:
Councillor Peter Butlin (Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property) summarised the published report, noting that this was the usual report that followed the budget and MTFS approval and set out the detailed budget allocations for all the service areas. The report set out the service revenue and capital baselines used for quarterly financial monitoring reports together with changes to the revenue budget allocations. Councillor Butlin explained that the changes reduced the Council’s net spending by £1.9m to £378.9m, with the £1.9m added to reserves as set out in the report. In terms of Capital, review of the phasing of spend across financial years would take place once the 2022/23 outturn position was known and would be reported as part of the quarterly financial monitoring reports to Cabinet.
There were no questions or comments on the report.
That Cabinet:
1. Approves the detailed revenue budget, savings plan, and capital programme for each of the Authority’s services set out in Appendices A to M to the report;
2. Notes the adjustments to service revenue budget following the realignment of budgets within and between directorates since the budget was set on 7 February 2023, as outlined in Section 3 of the report and Appendix N to the report;
3. Approves the net transfer of £1.855m to reserves as outlined in Section 3 paragraph 2 of the report; and
4. Endorses the draw down of £0.375m from the Better Care Fund Development reserve detailed within resolution 3.