2 Developer - Funded S278 Highway Scheme Approvals PDF 94 KB
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That the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property gives approval to the addition of the following s278 fully developer-funded highway improvement schemes to the Capital Programme for 2022/23:
a) C5 Orton Road, Warton (Warton Allotments) – widening and realignment of Orton Road, new footways, culverting of existing ditch and new drainage infrastructure of approximate value £839,600
b) B4113 Longford Road, Exhall (Wilsons Lane) - Ghost Island and footway -Construction of a right turn lane into the Longford Road and widening of the footway of approximate value £212,900
c) B4113 Longford Road, Exhall (Wilsons Lane) – Temporary and minor access – Construction of a temporary access in a form of a dropped kerb vehicle of approximate value £40,000