4 Developer-Funded S278 Highway Scheme Approval - Eastboro Way/Crowhill Road PDF 88 KB
To consider the addition of a Section 278 fully developer-funded highway improvement scheme to the Capital Programme.
Portfolio Holder – Councillor Peter Butlin
Additional documents:
Councillor Wallace Redford (Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning) informed Cabinet that following the grant of planning permission by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council for the development of 360 houses at Sketchley Gardens, Nuneaton, by Crest Nicholson the construction of a signalised T junction at Eastboro Way/Crowhill Road to facilitate access to the new development was required. The works, with an approximate value of £4,409,900, would be fully funded by the Developer under the terms of a Section 278 agreement.
That Cabinet
1. Recommends to Council the addition of £4,409,900 to the Capital Programme in relation to the Section 278 highways improvement scheme (signalised junction works) at the A4254 Eastboro Way/Crowhill Road intersection; and
2. Subject to the approval of Council to add the scheme to the Capital Programme, authorises the Strategic Director for Communities to procure and enter into any contracts and associated agreements required to implement the scheme on terms and conditions acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources and subject to the requirements of the Section 278 Agreements with the Developer.