7 Education Capital Programme 2023/24 PDF 109 KB
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Councillor Kam Kaur (Portfolio Holder for Education) moved the recommendation as set out in the report. Councillor Peter Butlin seconded the recommendation. A short debate ensued during which Councillor Tracey Drew expressed her disappointment that costings for net zero had been delayed for the scheme and Councillor Clare Golby welcomed the investment in Education in her division.
In reply, Councillor Kaur noted that the scheme would increase capacity to meet demand for school places in the north of the county and whilst she took on board the concerns of Councillor Drew, the Council would strive to build to current building standards.
That Council agrees the addition of £2.714 million to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Oak Wood Secondary School to be funded from the Department for Education (DfE) High Needs Grant and developer contributions.
2 Education Capital Programme 2023/24 PDF 109 KB
Cabinet are asked to consider proposals for allocating resources in the Education (Schools) Capital Programme to the specific projects set out in the report.
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Councillor Kam Kaur introduced the report which outlined proposals for allocating resources in the Education (Schools) Capital Programme to two schemes; Oak Wood Secondary School (Nuneaton) and Bunting Pre School (Stratford upon Avon).
Councillor Kaur provided background to each of the schemes and clarified the financial details including recent increased costs.
Councillor Peter Butlin supported the report and highlighted that recommendation 1) would be considered at Council the following week. He reiterated that the costings for Bunting Pre School were as a result of increases in inflation. Councillor Butlin concluded by applauding the Oak Wood Secondary School scheme which would help to continue to deliver vocational training and prepare individuals for the workplace in the north of the county.
Councillor John Holland welcomed the proposals and queried whether schools were able to contend with the necessary adaptations required, considering the larger proportion of SEND pupils in mainstream schools.
In response, Councillor Kaur confirmed that this was managed on a priority and demand basis, with officers working with the education departments to ensure that appropriate adaptations were managed and completed.
The Leader reiterated the need for SEND places in both special and mainstream schools due to increased demand. She reminded the meeting that it was vital to deliver the service to ensure that every child was given the chance to be the best they could be and thanked Councillor Kaur and the team for their work.
Councillor Kaur proposed the recommendations and it was
Recommended to Council that:
1) £2.714 million be added to the capital programme to deliver the scheme at Oak Wood Secondary School;
Resolved that:
2) Subject to Council's agreement to the required addition to the Capital Programme in respect of Oak Wood Secondary School, the Strategic Director for Resources is authorised to enter into a Deed of Surrender with the Department for Education (DfE) in relation to Unit 1, Bermuda Innovation Centre on terms and conditions considered acceptable to him;
3) Subject to successful completion of the Deed of Surrender (referred to at Recommendation 2), the Council is authorised to lease Unit 1 and Unit 9 Bermuda Innovation Centre to Central England Academy Trust on terms and conditions considered acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources;
4) The addition to the Capital Programme of £0.072 million funded from developer contributions is approved to deliver the scheme at Bunting Pre School; and
5) Subject to Council’s agreement to the required additions to the Capital Programme, the Strategic Director for People, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, is authorised to invite tenders and enter into the appropriate contracts or (where the scheme is school/provider led) to make the necessary funding arrangements for these schemes on terms and conditions considered acceptable to the Strategic Director for Resources.