3 Adult and Community Learning Accountability Agreement (2023-24) PDF 91 KB
To consider approving Warwickshire County Council’s Adult and Community Learning Service’s Accountability Agreement (2023/24) and authorise the Strategic Director for People to submit the Accountability Agreement to the Department for Education by 31 May 2023.
Additional documents:
Councillor Kam Kaur introduced the report which sought Cabinet’s approval for Warwickshire County Council's Adult and Community Learning Service's Accountability Agreement (2023/24) attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
Councillor Kaur outlined the recommendations and explained that the requirement for the Accountability Agreement had emerged from the government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper. She reiterated that this was not new funding but due to the provision being in excess of £1million, the authority were required to produced and submit the agreement to the Department of Education by 31 May 2023.
Councillor Kaur expressed her thanks to the Adult and Learning Community Board who had supported the work at each stage and recognised the partners who had also contributed throughout. She felt that the document was an example of great co-production and showed how the Council worked together with partners in a positive way. Prior to moving the recommendations, Councillor Kaur thanked all the officers involved.
That Cabinet:
1) Approves the Accountability Agreement (2023/24) for Warwickshire County Council’s Adult and Community Learning Service (ACL), attached at Appendix 1; and
2) Authorises the Strategic Director for People to submit the Accountability Agreement to the Department for Education by 31 May 2023.