To consider the proposals for the utilisation of the additional funding agreed in the 2023/24 Revenue Budget Resolution to support apprenticeships and re-skilling across the County.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Martin Watson
Additional documents:
Councillor Martin Watson (Portfolio Holder for Economy) explained that this report set out proposals for the utilisation of the additional £300,000 for apprenticeships and reskilling activity agreed in the budget by Council on 7 February 2023. The report was presented against a backdrop of strong and increasing demand for labour across Warwickshire, yet the number of apprenticeships had fallen over recent years. Awareness and understanding of apprenticeships needed to improve and the report described five proposals which it was considered would create the greatest impact to individuals, businesses, and the wider Warwickshire economy through improving information and understanding of apprenticeships, supporting businesses in creating new apprenticeships and encouraging the over 50s and those with SEND to consider apprenticeships as a viable route to gain employment.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse welcomed the report which now provided confirmation of the activities that would be funded. He noted that the levels of NEETS were still high in some areas of the county and considered that some joined up working in this area would be beneficial.
That Cabinet approves the proposals as set out in Section 2.1 of the report for the utilisation of the additional funding of £300,000 pa approved in the Council revenue budget resolution (7 February 2023).