6 Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy PDF 91 KB
The Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care
System is developing a joint all age strategy for Palliative and
End of Life Care, on which the Committee’s feedback is
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report and
presentation on the draft Coventry and Warwickshire Palliative and
End of Life Care (PEoLC) Strategy, on which the Committee’s
feedback and support was sought. The item was introduced by
Jamie Soden, Deputy
Chief Nurse with a presentation from Kathryn Drysdale.
They were supported by Kate Hoddell of the ICB and Katie Herbert
(WCC and SWFT).
The presentation by Kathryn Drysdale covered
the following areas:
- What is Palliative and End of Life
Care?This was an all-age strategy for Coventry and
- There had been extensive
collaboration across the local NHS system and with relevant
partners in all sectors, to understand current challenges and work
together to make improvements.
- An outline of the approach
undertaken through an overarching partnership board, with four
place-based groups feeding in local information.
- The aim and vision of the strategy,
to provide a delivery plan and to raise the profile of this service
- The Strategy would cover a five-year
period commencing in January 2024. Detail was provided on the
communication plan, the two-year delivery plan, equalities aspects
and areas of focus based on need. This included a focus on
underserved communities, building relationships with communities
and co-production.
- Our Priorities: What we want to do.
- Providing information - a focus on
identification, early intervention and support.
- Access to timely PEoLC and support
throughout for all diverse communities.
- Support for people diagnosed with
life limiting conditions and those who matter to them.
- Improve the quality of personalised
care and support planning, through education and training for
- Deliver a sustainable system of
integrated care.
- The National Framework and the six
ambitions for PEoLC. These were: being seen as an individual,
getting fair access to care, maximising comfort and wellbeing,
coordinated care, all staff being prepared to care and community
- How the strategy was developed. A
slide showing the co-production, the engagement with stakeholders,
along with meetings, surveys, and group discussions. Data was
provided on the engagement undertaken, raising the profile and
importance of EoLC.
- Health Inequalities in Coventry and
Warwickshire. Some communities had poorer access to information,
services and planning for EoLC. Details were provided of the
specific groups affected particularly young carers, veterans and
South Asian women.
- Population Health Management. A need
to understand the current system, the population, socio-economic
and demographic factors both now and in the future. This would help
to determine workforce requirements, given the known challenges
- How we will deliver improvement. A
need for seamless care across settings, clear referral pathways,
pro-active personalised care, collaboration and clear
- Programmes through which we will
work. This included care collaboratives, a community integrator
model, the Warwickshire Community Recovery Service and a review of
the continuing health care fast track system.
- Delivery Plan for the period January
2024 – December 2026. This included areas of focus for each
of the five priority areas reported above.
- Remaining timeline for the
The following areas were discussed: