8 Appointment to Local Pension Board PDF 77 KB
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Councillor Yousef Dahmash (Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation) introduced this report and moved the recommendation. In doing so, he explained the structure of the Local Pension Board and the robust process followed to make this appointment.
Councillor Brian Hammersley seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Sarah Millar supported the appointment and welcomed the gender diversity being introduced into the Board as a result.
Councillor Andy Crump also expressed support for the appointment and congratulated Councillor Dahmash for improvement in the recruitment process which had resulted in the appointment.
Councillor Dahmash noted that the best candidate had been selected for appointment.
A vote on the motion took place which was carried unanimously.
That Council approves the appointment of Mrs Beverley Farmery as a Scheme Member representative on the Local Pension Board.