3 Community Diagnostics Centres: access to diagnostic services PDF 603 KB
To consider a document detailing Community Diagnostic Centres and access to diagnostic services.
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The Board received a presentation on Community Diagnostic Centres (CDC’s), explaining what they were and how they worked, as well as how the programme would be developed moving forwards.
The Board then heard from ICB colleagues Nicola da Costa, Jackie Kerby and Alison Cartright on the Integrated Health and Care Delivery Plan and the Community Diagnostics Centres research. Also in attendance was Steve Snead, System Lead for Diagnostics and Dr Riya Patel, Researcher.
The presentation advised that each ICB had been asked to deliver three CDC’s starting in October 2021 and ending in March 25. Each area would be hosting a CDC from Autumn 2023. The initial focus was on increasing diagnostic capacity and developing the programme onsidered the patient journey from the point of referral for a diagnostic test. This comprised three active workstreams: Data review, Available Tools and Research.
Officers gave a thorough explanation of each of the workstreams, the aim of each process, how this would be achieved and future steps. The officers concluded by advising that the work would give an increased understanding of inequalities in diagnostics and would highlight opportunities for improvement. It was hoped that these improvements could be shared across the system as well as seeking to learn from others working in this area.
The Chair thanked the officers for attending, delivering the presentation and answering questions. Councillor Bell then opened up the floor to questions from those present which covered the two agenda items preceding this one.
Councillor Marian Humphreys referred to the GP Services Task & Finish Review and queried if empty or part shared buildings were being looked at for GP’s to use in communities for those who struggled to get to the main surgery. In response, Ali Cartright advised that some of this work was already being undertaken within the Estates Strategy but highlighted that there was still a work force issue and staffing the sites may be difficult.
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse queried if there was an opportunity to work with the District & Boroughs to look at properties and land within their ownership and asked for a joint property strategy to maximise those opportunities. He referred to Warwickshire having the second largest population growth and the demographic suffering with anxiety and depression. He also felt that social prescribing would be playing a greater role in the future.
Councillor Roodhouse also provided a direct example of a resident within his division who had been experiencing problems accessing their GP, was subsequently sent to UHCW, then Warwick Hospital and then back to UHCW. He also highlighted the issues being encountered at Rugby St Cross Hospital and felt that the Rugby Place Partnership needed to understand the spokes model.
Dame Manzie responded to Councillor Roodhouse’s comments and assured him of the work being undertaken by the Rugby Strategy Board to look at the development of Rugby St Cross. She advised that there were plans for considerable investment and reassured him that Rugby was on the front page of UHCW’s work with more services ... view the full minutes text for item 3