Issue - meetings

Warwickshire Pension Fund - External Audit Annual Plan and Risk Assessment 2022/23

Meeting: 25/05/2023 - Audit and Standards Committee (Item 5)

5 Warwickshire Pension Fund - External Audit Risk Assessment 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider and comment on the Audit Risk Assessment for 2022/23, attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

Additional documents:


Chris Norton, Strategy & Commissioning Manager (Treasury, Pensions, Audit, Risk & Insurance), introduced the report which detailed the draft Audit Risk Assessment for 2022/23.  He signposted Members to the summary of key issues and changes on page 133 of the document pack and the respective management response.  The Committee were asked to consider the responses and advise of any further comments it wished to make prior to finalisation.


The Chair queried if all local authorities were carrying out the same work and wondered if there was a danger of duplication.  Chris Norton responded, advising that it was logical that many of the LGPS funds faced similar issues, but each authority would need to focus on its own responsibilities.


Councillor Hammersley raised a query relating to fraud attempts and whether other Local Authorities shared information to raise awareness.  Chris Norton explained that some of the information would be a matter of public record, but officers may hear informally via internal networks, on occasion.


Paul Clarke, Internal Audit Manager, gave assurance that as members of the National Anti-Fraud Network, the Council would receive alerts when necessary.


Resolved that the Audit Risk Assessment for 2022/23, attached at Appendix 1, is noted.