Issue - meetings

Quarter 2 Integrated Performance Report

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Quarter 2 Integrated Performance Report pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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The Chair informed members that Andy Felton (Director of Finance) would be leaving Warwickshire County Council and this was his final Committee meeting. He thanked him for his years of service and for all his help assisting the Committee.


The item was introduced by Craig Cusack (Director, Enabling Services). He said that of the key business measures relevant to this Committee, 52 per cent were not on track. Three of the measures that had been rated as being on track at the end of quarter 1 were now not on track. Craig Cusack said there had been an increase in demand, and costs and resources associated with those key business measures. This included a 59 per cent increase in the number of applications for the welfare scheme. However, there had been an improvement in the performance of the WRIF.


Councillor Boad noted that some of the targets relating to the Fire and Rescue Service were not being met, and this was why the future organisation of the service was being consulted on. She said some of the targets related to the number of casualties involved in traffic accidents, but there was little WFRS could do to prevent those accidents from occurring. Ben Brook said the number of collisions had increased, and but the severity of the injuries received had lowered. He said the information available on Power BI for members to view had helped to shape the proposed reconfiguration of WFRS that was now being consulted on. The Chair said the figures relating to traffic collisions and fires attended needed to be collated, but added that consideration should be given to the data not being used as a performance indicator.


Responding to a point raised by Councillor Sinclair, Andy Felton said it was likely there would be an increase in the number of schools that would be running with a budget deficit. Audits had been taking place to check financial processes in schools. Some had had audits that provided limited assurances. Andy Felton said support was available directly through the education finance team and the schools action group, which would look to provide interventions at as early an opportunity as possible to prevent issues from escalating.


Members noted the contents of the report.