Issue - meetings

Governance and Policy Update

Meeting: 25/09/2023 - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (Item 3)

3 Governance and Policy Update pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The item was introduced by Vicky Jenks, who advised the main points of interest continued to be the MacLeod age discrimination work and the Matthews second retained exercise. The Home Office had submitted its comments on the two consultations.


A training log had been created for Board members, to keep track of any upcoming training sessions and if there were any gaps in member knowledge. Training for new Board members was scheduled for November, and there would also be training on the second modified exercise.


Vicky Jenks confirmed there had been no breaches since the last update. This would be included in the administration update. The Chair said the topic of breaches had been discussed at the Pension Regulator Conference the previous week, and concerns had been raised that they were not being reported properly.


Members noted the contents of the update.