6 Pensions Administration Activity and Performance Update Report PDF 212 KB
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Vicky Jenks (Pensions Administration Delivery Lead) introduced the report which outlined key developments affecting pensions administration and the performance of the Pensions Administration Service (PAS). She reported that the PAS had continued to work to increase participation in the Member Self Service (MSS) scheme. She stated that the progress made in Warwickshire compared favourably to the national average for take up of schemes of this type. More work was proposed to promote MSS.
Vicky Jenks provided an update on e-payslips, stating that pensioners who were unable to access an e-payslip had the option of contacting the Fund to request a paper payslip. It was recognised that some pensioners did not make use of digital technology. Attention had been given to ensuring that contact with these individuals was maintained. She advised that, other than e-payslips, correspondence issued by the Fund was sent in paper format. Pensioners could choose to opt into paper communications, rather than receive digital updates.
Vicky Jenks provided an overview of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the period of 1 April 2023 to 31 July 2023. She highlighted that performance for ‘letter detailing transfer in quote’ had dropped significantly. This was not due to an inability by the Team to cope with workload, but rather a delay in the receipt of factors used for administering transfers. This had resulted in a backlog which was now being addressed.
Vicky Jenks provided an update on breaches, stating that the report showed some amber breaches. In cases where several multi-academy trusts had a single payroll provider, a delay by the payroll provider in submitting information to the Fund resulted in several breaches being recorded. When this occurred, efforts were made to liaise with the payroll provider to secure the relevant information and re-establish timely reporting. A red breach had been reported to the Pensions Regulator in May 2023 relating to a data breach of a third-party provider following a malware attack. Investigation showed that this had not had a severe impact and the Pensions Regulator was satisfied with the actions taken by the Fund.
Vicky Jenks reported that good progress had been made to produce Annual Benefits Statements (ABS) for all active and deferred members of the Fund within the statutory deadline of 31 August 2023.
Vicky Jenks reported that the PAS had continued to progress work associated with the McCloud Project. A newsletter would be sent to members of the Fund whose pensions had been affected by McCloud. This would ensure compliance with the latest regulations.
In response to the Chair, Vicky Jenks stated that the introduction of the Pensions Dashboard could prompt an increased number of enquiries to the PAS. It was considered that active members of the scheme were more likely to be in regular contact with the PAS as well as receiving newsletters and e-payslips. A greater number of enquiries could be received from deferred members, including those who had once paid into the Fund but lost track of the status of their pension. Attention had been ... view the full minutes text for item 6