Issue - meetings

Draft Final Sustainable Futures Strategy

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Draft Final Sustainable Futures Strategy

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Steve Smith, Director of Commissioning Support Unit, introduced the report and the history behind it.  A Climate change emergency was declared by the council in 2019 with the first draft of the strategy presented to Cabinet in October 2022.  The current stage of the strategy is being presented at all the Overview and Scrutiny Committees to provide an updated on the current situation, where projects are currently and what the next steps are.  It is worth noting that the strategy will continually develop; more will be coming on board.  The report comments on funding and where financial opportunities can be found to help with the affordability of the strategy. 


Mr Phil Johnson, Chair of Stockingford local governing body thanked officers for the interesting read and comprehensive report.  Mr Johnson asked how the council is supporting schools – for example with solar panels?  Steve Smith confirmed that ensuring that school roofs are suitable would be the first step and that officers are working with the property team who deal with enquiries about this. It was confirmed that improved insultation is often required first and that this can be costly.  It was agreed that further Information can be supplied to the Committee on the current situation relating to support for schools.


Councillor Clare Golby asked for information on how the strategy will prevent the work negatively impacting the less well off.  In her experience it has been a struggle to get people to do the work, and to find the materials that are required.  Steve Smith confirmed that the council is working with the district and borough councils within Warwickshire as well as partners within the industry.  Steve Smith added that there aren’t always easy solutions but that is why there are regular partnership workshops.  Work will continue with other agencies and partners to ensure that the council is always working intelligently.


It was confirmed that there are a lot of new industry standard targets and as the work continues to progress, the performance information will be made available to this committee and all elected members.


Following a question from Councillor Tim Sinclair in relation to the development of new schools, and how they fit in to the strategy, Steve Smith confirmed that there are a number of ways to mitigate additional emissions with each new development.  These include renewable energy sources, discussion with planners and insulation.  A lot is governed by planning policy and there are different methods from building research policies.  Each new investment will have their own targets but ultimately, the benefit will need to be to the bill payers at the school.


Mr Michael Cowland, CEO of The Diocese of Coventry MAT asked for clarification in relation to the lack of reference to schools in the report.  Mr Cowland asked if there is there a relationship between education services and the Commissioning Support Unit?  There are a lot of schools in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8