4 Electric Vehicle Parking Policy PDF 81 KB
This paper seeks approval for an addition to the Council’s parking policy which provides for on-street electric vehicle parking to be backed with a Traffic Regulation Order making it electric vehicle only while the vehicle is charging.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder – Councillor Jan Matecki
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Councillor Jan Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning introduced this report which sought to address increasing demand for electric vehicle charging points through the introduction of a policy that would make a parking bay electric vehicle only while charging. Adopting the policy would support residents and visitors to make sustainable travel choices, in a safe manner, and help the Council meet its agreed climate emergency and net zero aims. Once adopted, the policy did not in itself change the designation of parking spaces but would provide the formal background to allow Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) changes to happen before a final decision was made on whether to take a chosen site forward.
Councillor Tim Sinclair welcomed the proposals and asked about the timelines for introducing the policy which would require some changes to driver behaviour. Councillor Matecki indicated that the TRO consultation process and timeline, including consultation, advertising and erection of signage once adopted, would be the same as for any other TRO.
That Cabinet adopts the parking policy at Appendix 1 to the report to enable the designation of on-street electric vehicle (EV) parking spaces as for use by EVs only.